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Want To Start Working With More Higher Paying Clients NOW?

For $5, I'll Give You The Same "No Website" Client-Getting Strategy I Used To Build A 7-Figure/Year Agency...

Client-Getting Strategy

…Without Having to Pay Thousands For Ads, Spend Hours and Hours "Value Posting," or Searching on Job Boards.

100% Money Back

Backed By Our 365-Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

Compelling Headline Here To Hook Them In

One sentence that sells the RESULTS and BENEFITS of your offer.

Dear Freelancer/Service Provider/Coach,

Mike Shreeve

Mike Shreeve

Over $150,000,000 Generated For My Clients Over the Past 15 Years

My name is Mike Shreeve, and over the past 15 years I’ve been able to work with clients like:

  • Mel Robbins
  • SUCCESS Magazine
  • Russell Brunson
  • Bill Glazer
  • Brendon Burchard

…And 100s of others.

Over that time, I’ve discovered the fastest, most reliable way of getting premium clients that I know of.

(This method doesn’t require a website, ads, Upwork, networking, Facebook groups, or any of that jazz…)

In fact, it’s the same method I used to take my first SEO agency to 7-figure revenues, almost entirely by using this simple client-getting strategy.

(this is something that can be automated it only takes you minutes per day…)

On this page, I’ll be sharing that strategy with you.


The Fast Client-Getting Method That Built a $100k/month Service Business

The first service business I built was an SEO agency back in 2009, and my business partner and I took it to the 7-figure mark within 2 years.

How did we do it?

No fancy websites or "marketing funnels…"

No 5-star rated Upwork profile…

LinkedIn wasn't much of a thing (not like it is today)...

I hadn’t published any books or appeared on any podcasts back then…

We Didn’t Even Have A Website For Our Business...

Here’s what we did have, though:

1) A service that people wanted.

2) A way to deliver that service.

3) A strategy for generating clients that consistently left us with more clients per month than we could physically handle at one time.

And it was these three things (plus the client-getting method I’m about to give you) that allowed us to take our SEO agency past the $100k/month mark between the years of 2009 and 2013.

Fast forward a couple of years, and I’d moved into the world of helping other freelancers to build their own successful service-based businesses.

You wanna know how I did that?

I Simply Told My Students To Implement This Strategy. Here’s What Happened:


“I Have More Work Than I Can Handle Right Now!”



“I Officially Closed A Sale On A $397 Blog Post!”



“Now My Issue Is That I’ve Got Too Much Work And I Can’t Handle It All. I Need To Hire!”



“I Confidently Pitched $200-250/Blog Post And The Prospect Didn’t Bat An Eye…”



“I Mentally Planned On Needing 3 Months To Fill My Schedule With Clients…but I’m Almost There In Less Than One Month.”



“I’ve Got 4 New Client Projects I’ve Been Working On…all Awesome Clients, And At The Rate I Wanted!”



“I Increased My Prices By 25%!”



“Long Term Client #2 Is In The Books!”


If you’re like most of the service-based businesses I’ve worked with in the past, you’ve got 2 of the points I listed above down already – a service that people want, and a way to deliver that service.

On this page, I want to show you how to implement point number 3 – a strategy for consistently bringing clients into your business, month after month.

In fact, here’s my guarantee to you:

This Client-Getting Method Doesn't Require Complex "Funnels" or Websites (and it Can Still Be Automated)

Here are a couple of reasons I love this strategy too:

  • It’s free (and can be automated at very low cost);
  • It takes just minutes each day to manage once you automate it (following the guidelines I'll give you) yet can deliver more premium clients than most can handle;
  • It's backed by my money-back guarantee (so I'm confident it will help you land your next dream client fast). 

If you need clients fast, then this is the most effective and reliable way I know of to get them.

Get the Toolkit, Course, and Client-Getting Challenge for Just $5 and Start Getting Clients Today!

The best part about this client-getting method?

  • You do NOT need to have years of experience in your field to sign clients with this method (newbies and beginners welcome)...

  • You do NOT need a huge marketing budget to make this work (Like, I said, it’s free…or very low-cost to automate)...

  • You do NOT need to find an extra 10 hours in your week to make this work for you...

  • ​You do NOT have to spend years gradually working your way up to “premium” prices using this method (I’ll be showing you how to charge Expert fees right off the bat confidently)...

  • And you do NOT need to worry about this method being here today, but gone tomorrow (this method has existed in various forms for hundreds of years, and has stood the test of time as one of the most effective client-getting strategies for any service provider)...


Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge

Get the Course, Toolkit, and Client Getting Challenge Today for Just $5!

Get the Course, Toolkit, and Client Getting Challenge Today for Just $5!

Get the training, the templates, the whole toolkit to make this happen.

How to Get High-Quality Clients Without...

  • Without having to spend hours each day hunting for your next job on Upwork or Fiverr…
  • Without constantly lowballing your fees for every client so that you have a chance of being the freelancer they pick for their project…
  • Without lurking Facebook groups and job boards, commenting on post after post and hoping to stand out amongst the hundreds of other freelancers hoping to be selected for the same job…
  • Without spending $$$$ putting together a website with all your best stuff on it (only to struggle to even get it to rank on page 1 of Google…)
  • Without needing to show up at every networking event in your local area (PLUS the online ones) in the hopes of running into a potential client…
  • Without having to spend years “working up” to your first 5+ figure/mo client by gradually raising your prices every couple of years…
  • And without needing to put on some fake sales persona just to try and to stand out among the online noise…

Instead, just follow this simple process for research (that I’ll be showing you)...

Send out some non-salesy messages using pre-made templates (that I’ll be giving you)...

And start signing high-quality, premium clients without a funnel, a website, or a huge network.

Here's Who This Works Best For:

  • Copywriters…
  • Web Developers…
  • Graphic Designers…
  • ​Ghostwriters…
  • ​Editors & Proofreaders…
  • Business Consultants…
  • Virtual Assistants…
  • Video Editors…
  • Creatives…
  • Producers…
  • IT Experts & Coders…
  • ​“Fractional” C-Suite Execs…
  • Copywriters…
  • Web Developers…
  • Graphic Designers…
  • ​Ghostwriters…
  • ​Editors & Proofreaders…
  • Business Consultants…
  • Virtual Assistants…
  • Video Editors…
  • ​Creatives…
  • Producers…
  • IT Experts & Coders…
  • ​“Fractional” C-Suite Execs…

…And anyone else who provides services to other people or businesses.

What You’ll Discover Inside This Digital Course, Template Pack, & Client-Getting Toolkit:

Digital Course, Template Pack, & Client-Getting Toolkit

Module 1: The 8-Step Strategy for Getting Clients on Demand (Without Harassing Strangers, Creating Lead Magnets, Building Funnels or Paying for Ads)

  • Client Getting Lesson #1: The simple reason this is one of the most effective methods of client-getting that exists right now (and will continue to exist no matter what Facebook, Google, or any other platform does);
  • Client Getting Lesson #2: My 8-step, no-money-needed method to making this process work for you (no ads, funnels, or tech experience needed);
  • Client Getting Lesson #3: The misconception 90% of service providers have about outreach that leaves them struggling to find clients;
  • ​Client Getting Lesson #4: The 10 essential skills I’ll be helping you develop so that you can become the kind of standout service provider your clients want to hire
  • Client Getting Lesson #5: PLUS: Copywriter or marketing consultant? I’ll show you how to turn this into an $8,000 service you can actually perform for clients;
  • And more!

Module 2: The #1 Secret Ingredient to Getting Your First Client By Sending Out a Few Emails

  • Client Getting Lesson #6: The metrics you should be aiming for to ensure success with this strategy (and exactly what to tweak if you’re under those KPIs)
  • Client Getting Lesson #7: Need clients NOW? Here’s how I’d recommend implementing this strategy if you need clients FAST
  • Client Getting Lesson #8: What NOT to do if you want to succeed with this method
  • Client Getting Lesson #9: The X responses to expect and how to follow up with prospects
  • Client Getting Lesson #10: The most common mistake freelancers make when with Follow Up that is actively losing clients without them even realizing
  • Client Getting Lesson #11: How to succeed with this strategy if you only have limited time to do this...
  • Client Getting Lesson #12: 6 ground rules to help you get your first (or next) client as quickly as possible
  • ​And more!

Module 3: How to Instantly Establish Yourself as an Expert and Command Respect From Clients (Even If You Don’t Have a Huge Online Presence Already)

  • Client Getting Lesson #13: Why you’re already positioned to be an Expert even if you don’t know it (I’ll help you uncover it)...
  • Client Getting Lesson #14: How to position yourself so closing sales becomes easy and raising prices is a natural byproduct of selling…
  • Client Getting Lesson #15: The one type of service you must avoid offering at all costs if you want to succeed in business…
  • Client Getting Lesson #16: How to create your expert positioning in less than 12 minutes…
  • Client Getting Lesson #17: How to use Pain to create more clarity and power in your messaging and positioning (this is critical for success)...
  • Client Getting Lesson #18: 2 minute exercise to finding your USP even if you’ve never thought about it before…
  • Client Getting Lesson #19: How to get proof even if you’ve never done client work before…
  • Client Getting Lesson #20: The 4 P’s you’ll need before sending emails which will turn prospects into buyers faster…
  • ​And more!

Module 4: How to Find Premium Prospects (Who Are Eager to Hire Someone Like You) FAST

  • Client Getting Lesson #21: How to find your perfect prospects (i.e. the ones that pay well, are tons of fun, and are plain ol’ easy to work with)
  • Client Getting Lesson #22: The ONE thing to look for in your research process to find your ideal clients FAST
  • Client Getting Lesson #23: The 4 types of Decision Makers you should be targeting in your client-getting efforts (Plus: My bonus strategy for getting clients, even if you don’t know who to reach out to);
  • Client Getting Lesson #24: How to find emails of your dream clients using ONLY free methods (i.e. no paid tools, emails scrapers, etc. needed)
  • Client Getting Lesson #25: Over-the-shoulder demonstration of this research process in action
  • Client Getting Lesson #26: My “channel surfing” strategy for finding graphic design, web development, video editing and other creative projects
  • Client Getting Lesson #27: What it means to be “outcome independent”, and why it’s key to your success with this strategy
  • Client Getting Lesson #28: What to look out for when doing client research to find the ideal fits for your business
  • ​Client Getting Lesson #29: How to automate 90% of the email research phase so you can spend more time on income-producing activities in your business (Plus: my 2 favorite tools to use)
  • And more!

Module 5: All the Email Templates + Training You'll Need to Get Clients Lining Up to Work With You (Just Fill In The Blanks!)

  • Client Getting Lesson #30: The 3 different types of email strategy, and how to use them to send emails that get opened and responded to (positively);
  • Client Getting Lesson #31: The 7 essential components of an email people like receiving in their inbox;
  • Client Getting Lesson #32: My Rule of Thumb for avoiding an email that sounds too salesy;
  • Client Getting Lesson #33: The essential piece of your email strategy that’s responsible for 80% your success rate (yet gets overlooked by most freelancers trying out this strategy);
  • Client Getting Lesson #34: 8 examples of “winning”, non-salesy subject lines I’ve personally used in cold outreach strategies in the past;
  • ​Client Getting Lesson #35: How to write engaging emails that moves people from “stranger” to “client” FAST, even if you're not a writer;
  • Client Getting Lesson #36: The ingredient I like to add to my emails to get your email to stand out in my prospect’s inbox;
  • Client Getting Lesson #37: 6 drag-and-drop email templates you can use to speed up the email writing process and secure more clients (plus: my recommended Follow-Up sequence you can swipe for your next outreach campaign);
  • Client Getting Lesson #38: Afraid of being “annoying” with your outreach? Do this to ensure you come across as helpful and not a burden;
  • Client Getting Lesson #39: PLUS: Advanced strategies for fine-tuning your email process and increasing calls booked from your outreach;
  • And more!

Module 6: Get The Exact Script And Call Framework You Can Use On The Phone To Sign Premium Clients (Even If You HATE Selling)

  • Client Getting Lesson #40: How to master the sales process and use one simple phone call to close clients
  • Client Getting Lesson #41: The secret to overcoming the fear of talking to strangers, selling confidently, and closing clients in a non-slimy way;
  • Client Getting Lesson #42: My simple Diagnosis process for determining what to fix in your outreach strategy;
  • Client Getting Lesson #43: The 4-part framework I use to conduct successful sales calls (without the usual ickiness of “selling”);
  • Client Getting Lesson #44: How to use these calls as Filters to ensure that you’re bringing the right clients come into your business (and ensuring the wrong ones stay out);
  • Client Getting Lesson #45: Nerves on calls are OK! Here’s how to take the pressure off, even if you normally suffer from “Phone Call Anxiety”;
  • Client Getting Lesson #46: Why I recommend that you shouldn’t actually close directly on the phone for 90% of service providers;
  • ​Client Getting Lesson #47: Swipe my tried-and-tested Discovery Call script for structured, effective, and successful phone calls with clients;
  • Client Getting Lesson #48: Don’t want to do phone calls at all? This strategy can still work, and here’s my #1 tip for closing clients ONLY through email;
  • ​And more!

You Can Even Turn This Skill Into a Service and Charge $2K - $8K a Month for It

I don’t know a single business owner who wouldn’t happily pay $2000 - $8000 to have their calendar filled with prospects.

…Which is exactly what you’ll be able to do once you learn the outreach skills I reveal in this challenge.

Kawika here got hired by a multi-millionaire to get him clients (even though he had zero previous experience):

…And then he ended up getting him more clients than he could handle:

Currently Under $10k/month in Your Service-Based Business?

This Method Will Get you There Faster Than Anything Else I Know…

This is the quickest, simplest, and most effective way I know to consistently generate clients as a freelancer or service provider.

And within the Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge, I not only show you how to implement this process…I personally guarantee you’ll get clients with it.

You’ll get access to all the training videos, templates, swipes you’ll need to make this strategy work for you.

(PLUS: advanced techniques for fine-tuning your strategy once it’s consistently rocking and rolling for you…)

And to further accelerate the results you achieve with this strategy, I’m also giving you access to 2 free bonuses available only on this page.

These bonus trainings are designed to complement what you’ll learn inside of The Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge and amplify the results you’ll achieve.

PLUS: Join The Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge Today For Just $5 And You’ll Also Get These 2 FREE Bonuses:

Bonus #1. Advanced Pricing & Negotiation Mini-class


Advanced Pricing & Negotiation Mini-class

True fact: You are undercharging for what you do. 

Also true fact: There is a science to getting paid what you’re worth.

In this 3-part mini-course, I’ll break down simple negotiation tactics, pricing strategies, and sales techniques that will help you to get paid what you deserve.

You’ll even get access to my proven sales script which has sold multiple millions for myself, and even more millions combined for my students and clients over the past 10 years. 

If you want to get better at selling, you’ll love this free bonus!

This Advanced Pricing & Negotiation Mini-Class is Included At NO EXTRA COST With Your Order Today.


How To Use The Fast Client-Getting Challenge Method On LinkedIn

Watch an over-the-shoulder case study from one of our students on how they used the methods in this challenge to land high-value clients on LinkedIn.

Bonus #2. How To Use The Fast Client-Getting Challenge Method On LinkedIn

You’ll get to see the exact strategy, results, and recommendations from one of our success stories on how best to transfer these methods to other platforms.

This is a must-watch for anyone who is looking for a multi-channel approach to accelerate their results even faster!

This Case Study is Included At NO EXTRA COST With Your Order Today.

The Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge is a one-time payment of $5, and you’ll get immediate access to the challenge, plus the 2 bonuses listed above at no additional cost.

Join the challenge today, and get the exact method hundreds of other freelancers and service providers have used to sign clients with less effort, less stress, and less time spent on their marketing.

So…What’s The Catch?

This method costs nothing to implement (but if you do want to speed up your results, I’ll show you some inexpensive tools you can use to do that…)

The results are nearly instant (days instead of weeks or months)... 

Requires zero tech, no funnels, no social media, no video, no content, nothing… 

It sincerely is the Holy Grail of client-getting methods. 

But there is a catch, and that catch is this:

This Is Not Everyone’s Cup O’ Tea

This is a boring, non-flashy way to get clients. 

No shiny funnel pages. No sparkly posting on the socials. No fancy software needed.  

Also, it will take work.

But, it can take as little as minutes a day if you streamline it and automate it the way I show you inside the trainings.

(You don’t have to streamline the way I show you, if you don’t want. Sure, it might take 30 minutes, or an hour instead, but it’ll still get you clients faster than nearly any other marketing method I know of.)

It doesn’t always work the very first outreach message you send. Sometimes, you have to test and retest until you find what works for you. 

There is no magic button to push here that unlocks hordes of clients begging to work with you. That isn’t real life, that’s not how business works, and you wouldn’t want to work with those kinds of low hanging fruit clients anyways. 

This method is targeted and relies on good ol’ fashioned elbow grease to cut right to the chase and get clients fast. 

If speed is your need, this the #1 way to make clients happen.

Join The Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge + Get The 2 FREE Bonuses

For Only $5

  • The Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge (Including Training, Templates, and Tools) 
  • BONUS #1: Advanced Pricing & Negotiation Mini-Class
  • BONUS #2: How To Use The Fast Client-Getting Challenge Method On LinkedIn
  • 365-Day Guarantee

Get the training, the templates, the whole toolkit to make this happen.

The Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge is a one-time payment of $5, and you’ll get immediate access to the challenge, plus the 2 bonuses listed above at no additional cost.

Join the challenge today, and get the exact method hundreds of other freelancers and service providers have used to get clients with less effort, less stress, and less time spent on their marketing.

No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

Here’s a simple promise:

I guarantee that you'll love this client-getting challenge.

And if you put this process into practice for the next 30 days and you're not satisfied with the clients you get from the process, just let me and my team know and I'll send you a full refund. Here's how...

1. Send an email to [email protected]

2. Attach your outreach tracking spreadsheet to show us you’ve at least tried to put the process into practice.

That’s it.

This Is a 365-Day Guarantee.

That means you have 365 days to go through the challenge and all the bonuses before you decide if you find it valuable.

Start tomorrow, or start 6 months from now.

Either way, if you show us that you’ve put this process into practice for at least 30 days and it hasn’t got you a single client, you can still claim on the guarantee stated above.

Digital Course, Template Pack, & Client-Getting Toolkit

Join The Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge + Get The 2 FREE Bonuses

For Only $5

  • The Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge (Including Training, Templates, and Tools) 
  • BONUS #1: Advanced Pricing & Negotiation Mini-Class
  • BONUS #2: How To Use The Fast Client-Getting Challenge Method On LinkedIn
  • 365-Day Guarantee

Get the training, the templates, the whole toolkit to make this happen.

The Guaranteed Client-Getting Challenge is a one-time payment of $5, and you’ll get immediate access to the challenge, plus the 2 bonuses listed above at no additional cost.

Join the challenge today, and get the exact method hundreds of other freelancers and service providers have used to get clients with less effort, less stress, and less time spent on their marketing.

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